In here we discuss COVID-19 guidelines in Uganda and the status of the virus. Travelers in Uganda Happily welcome the COVID – 19 vaccines. Gone are the days when traveling was hard due to fear. Today, Uganda is almost a no threat zone. We welcome to Uganda for all the amazing Uganda Safari tours.
Basing on the previous presidential address to the nation. ” The country has seen a more aggressive and sustained growth of the covid-19 pandemic as opposed to the earlier months of April and May 2021, “said H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. He continued to say over the past 3 weeks. The daily number of people testing positive for Corona has increased from less than 100 to now over 1,700 representing a 17 fold increase in daily cases.
The virus has now doubled the contraction time and spreading time. Meaning the doubling spreading time is now shorter in that it has dropped from 68 to 31days in just one week. Additionally, Uganda is experiencing very high hospitalization and deaths for covid-19 among all age categories. This is in now over 108 districts that are seriously with virus infections. To date the country, has registered a total of 75,000 covid-19 cases; where 973 patients (severe 894, critical 79) which has strained the healthy system due to the severely and critically ill COVID-19 patients. Who have more than doubled straining available oxygen supply, for instance a critical patient consumes one-two oxygen cylinders per day, however a severely ill COVID-19 patient needs four-six cylinders.
Below is a graph illustrating the rise of the Corona Virus cases in Uganda.

However, Ugandan government under H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has put new measures to help decrease the wide spread of the virus. And these include;
- Restriction of public and private transport
- Implementing curfew rules
- Closure of all education institutions
- Restriction on international and cross-border travels i.e. Entebbe international Airport is to remain open but with critical observation of whoever enters Uganda. And all cargo movements were not disrupted. Also licensed tourist vehicles will still operate.
- Restriction on Non-agricultural activities and markets
- Restriction on burials
- Closure of bars, Clubs, sports betting and cinema halls
- Closure of all sectors that were not specifically mentioned by the president
- All institutions and organizations were also closed
- Restriction on factories and construction sites.
By 18th June 2021, Uganda had vaccinated a total of 869,915 people which accounts for 90.2%of the 964000 doses received. Of these 57,797(6.6%) have received both 1st and second dose. Uganda received another 175,200 doses and is expecting additional 688,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine in early August. However, the Ugandan government is working with Chinese embassy to bring in 300,000 doses of vaccines (Sinovac). And discussing modalities of acquisition of more doses through direct purchase. On top of that the country is also in discussion with African Union on terms of acquisition of the Johnson and Johnson vaccines.
To crown it all, COVID-19 cases are rapidly increasing in Uganda. However, the government is doing its best to fight the virus with the above measures. And so, Uganda has tourist companies with licensed tourist vehicles like Gracious Tours amongst others that are allowed to move during this pandemic, so despite the existence of the virus. Your trip to Uganda can still be a success provided you prioritize your health by following the SOPs set by the Ugandan government.
COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. That’s why we give you a read about Covid 19 in Uganda and the different guidelines to follow. The World Health Organization (WHO) first learned of this new virus from cases in Wuhan city in China on 31 December 2019. The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles (droplets) when they cough, sneeze, talk, sing or breathe heavily. The main way the virus spreads is when people are in direct or close contact (less than 1 meter) with an infected person. When you continue the read you will get to know about the situation of COVID19 in Uganda and the Different guidelines to follow. Read on.
The COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda is part of the ongoing worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus was confirmed to have reached Uganda in March 2020. This resulted into the enforcement of very many guidelines that people had to follow like the closure of schools and lockdowns. However as time went on, there was commencement in the easing of the guidelines. As the Ministry of Health tried to devise means on how the people of Uganda could continue with their day-to-day activities amidst the pandemic.
Traveling is all fun until you contact dangerous diseases that could cost you your life. Most especially like during these times of the pandemic. However, life has to move on and this can only happen if we follow the right precautions because travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. Airports, bus stations, train stations, and rest stops are all places travelers can be catch the virus. These are also places where it can be hard to social distance. If you travel, take steps before, during, and after travel to keep yourself and others from getting COVID-19.
Before You Travel to Uganda
Talk to your doctor ahead of travel, especially if you are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
If you are eligible, get your COVID-19 Vaccine. Wait 2 weeks after getting your second vaccine dose to travel—it takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccination.
This viral test should happen 1–3 days before your trip.
Do NOT travel if you were exposed to COVID-19, you are sick, or you test positive for COVID-19. Learn when it is safe for you to travel. Don’t travel with someone who is sick.
If traveling by air, check if your airline requires any health information, test results, or other documents. Check with your destination’s Office of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Health or the US Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Country Information page for details about entry requirements and restrictions for arriving travelers. Follow any entry requirements or restrictions at your destination which might include testing, quarantine, and providing contact information. If you do not follow your destination’s requirements, you may be denied entry and required to return to your home country. If you test positive on arrival, the number one requirement is to isolate. And most likely you will not return to your home country as scheduled.
If you get sick in Uganda, you might need medical care. Plan ahead and learn more about Getting Health Care During Travel. For more infomation email Gracious Tours’ staff for a deepened explanation. Check ;
During Your Travel
If you must travel, take the following steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:
Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when in public settings. Masks are a perequisite on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of your home country.
Avoid crowds and stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from anyone who did not travel with you. It’s important to do this everywhere — both indoors and outdoors.
Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
Bring extra supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer.
Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Before traveling back to your home country by air or bus. Get a COVID – 19 PCR test for not more than 3 days before your flight departs. The test result must be negative. Keep a copy of your test results with you during travel in case they ask for them. In Case anything isn’t clear, contact Gracious Tours and Travel Staff, Your leading travel agent in Uganda.
After You Travel
You may have been exposed to COVID-19 on your travels. And may feel well and not have any symptoms, but you can still spread the virus to others. You and your travel companions (including children) may pose a risk to your family, friends, and community after your travel.
Get Tested and Stay Home After Travel if necessary after travel .
Get COVID – 19 viral test 3–5 days after travel AND stay home to self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel for your safety and for the safety of others
Even if you test negative, stay home to self-quarantine for the full 7 days.
If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from contracting COVID.
If you don’t get tested, it’s safest to stay home for 10 days after travel.
Avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days, whether you get tested or not.
Follow state and local recommendations or requirements after travel.
Clinician Information
Clinicians should obtain a detailed travel history for patients with symptoms of COVID-19 infection. If you suspect that a traveler has COVID-19, see Information for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19) for information on evaluating, reporting, clinical care guidance, and infection control.