
18 Days Uganda Birding Safari

Embark on an extraordinary adventure into the heart of East Africa’s avian wonderland with our meticulously curated “18 Days Uganda Birding Safari.” This immersive journey promises avid bird enthusiasts an unparalleled opportunity to explore Uganda’s diverse and vibrant birdlife, set against a backdrop of stunning landscapes, rich cultural experiences, and abundant wildlife.


Day 1: Arriving in Uganda

After a safe arrival at Entebbe international airport, you will be transferred to your hotel before the beginning of the birding safari. Overnight and meals at Lake Victoria Windsor (High end) or the Boma Hotel Entebbe or Airport Guest House Entebbe Meal plan BB.

This 18 Days birding safari takes you for:

1. Birding watching  safari in the top birding destinations in Uganda;

2. Mabamba Swamp,

3. Murchison Falls Park,

4. Budongo Forest,

5. Kibale Forest,

6. Semliki Forest,

7. Queen Elizabeth National Park,

8. Bwindi,

9. Lake Mburo and,

10. Mabira Forest – An opportunity for a boat along the Victoria Nile to delta at lake Albert.

Day 2: Mabamba Swamp

Mabamba swamp, about 50km west Kampala, a wetland is listed as one of the top birding sites and is single-handedly the best place to see the shoebill.  After the shoebill, look out for these unique birds like white-winged warbler, yellow-backed weaver, northern brown-throated weaver, blue-headed coucal among others. Don’t miss out on the shoe bill stock both in the sky and down on the marsh. Also look out for the swamp flycatcher, African purple swamphen, African water rail, common moorhen, lesser jacana, African jacana African pygmy goose, white-faced whistling duck just to mention a few that will make your first day of the birding safari memorable. Overnight stay at Sheraton Kampala hotel (high end), La Petit Village (Mid range facility) or Forest Cottages Kampala (Budget facility) Meal plan BB.

Day 3: Murchison falls National Park

After breakfast, we transfer to Murchison falls N.P. It is identified as Uganda’s largest protected area that protects a large section of the untamed African savannah and is bisected by the longest river in the world, the mighty river Nile. Meals and overnight stay at Paraa Safari Lodge (luxury), Murchison River Lodge (mid Lodge) or Red Chili Rest Camp (Budget facility) Meal plan F/B

Day 4: Birding safaris on the Launch Cruise

Take a boat along the Victoria Nile to delta at Lake Albert. This is home to hippo and many other enormous Nile crocodiles as well as special birds which include secretary bird, Abyssinian roller and ground hornbill, pied kingfishers, red-throated bee-eaters, saddle billed stork, sacred ibis, fulvous whistling-duck, Senegal and water thick-black headed and long-toed lapwing, little bitten, osprey, red-necked falcon, blue-breasted bee-breasted bee-eater among others. Other noticeable species include white-crested turaco, grey woodpecker, red-throated bee-eater, red-shouldered cuckoo-shrine, western violent-backed sunbird, black-headed Gonolek, chestnut- crowned sparrow-weaver, brown twin sport, bar breasted firefinch, red-winged pytillia and red-winged warbler, Bruce’s pigeon that will make your birding safaris. Meals and overnight stay at Paraa Safari Lodge (luxury), Murchison River Lodge (mid Lodge) or Red Chili Rest Camp (budget facility) Meal plan F/B

Day 5 : Uganda Birding Safari: Budongo Forest

On Day 5 of the 18 Days Uganda Birding Safari, Budongo Forest is not just another ornithological site but the largest there is in Uganda, with the highest chimpanzee population in the country. Among the 366 bird species you will be able to spot the white-headed barbet, northern crombec, yellow-footed flycatcher easily seen in ironwood trees; grey-headed bush shrine, black-billed barbet, grey-headed olive back, black bellied fire finch, Madagascar heron, lesser weaver and the Lemon-bellied crombec. Proceed in the afternoon and check out African dwarf kingfisher, African crowned eagle, yellow and grey long bill, chocolate-backed kingfisher, Velvet-mantled drongo and Ituri batis. the birding safari day will end with Meals and overnight stay at Budongo Eco Lodge (luxury) Meal plan F/B

Day 6: Royal Mile and Busingiro

Royal Mile is identified as one of the best birding safari sites in the country having the best-guided trails. Look out for some of these localized species; Cassin’s hawk-eagle, African dwarf, tallow and grey long bills, olive-browned cuckoo, blue-breasted kingfisher, crowned eagle, dusky long-tailed cuckoo, forest flycatcher. Proceed 14km to Busingiro and enjoy excellent birding, check out the crowned eremomela, yellow-browned Camaroptera and Cabanis bunting. Meals and overnight stay at Budongo Eco Lodge (luxury) Meal plan F/B

Day 7: Kibale Forest National Park

Depart for Kibale national park early morning after breakfast for the eighth day of the birding safari. Kibale Forest is another diverse ecological forest recognized for its large numbers in primates in East Africa. Check out the blue shouldered robin chat, yellow spotted barbet, black-billed turaco, white –napped pigeon, green- breasted pitta, red-chest-fluff tail, African Pitta, joyful greenbul, Grey-throated flycatcher, white-bellied crested flycatcher, masked Apalis. Overnight and meals at Kyaninga Lodge (High end facility), Primate Lodge –Forest cottages (Mid facility) or Chimpanzee guest house (Budget facility) Meal plan (F/B)

Day 8: Visit Bigodi Sanctuary

The most sighted bird in the Magombe swamp is the great blue turaco. You can also see the white-tailed ant-thrushes, purple-headed, Glossy-starling, brown Illadopsis, masked Apalis, white napped pigeon, Toro olive-green bull, black-billed turaco. Overnight and meals at Kyaninga lodge (High end facility), Primate Lodge –Forest cottages (Mid facility) or Chimpanzee guest house (Budget facility) Meal plan (F/B)

Day 9: Semliki National Park

After breakfast, transfer to Semliki national park for the whole day birding safari in the forest. Semliki is home to some of those Albertine unique bird species such as Congo serpent eagle, Black-throated coucal, grey-throated rail, Nkulengu rail, long-tailed hawk, Spot-breasted ibis, capuchin babbler, Yellow-throated Nicator, northern bearded scrub robin, red-chested owlet, western bronze-napped pigeon, black-collared lovebird, white-bellied kingfisher, red-rumped tinkerbird, lyre-tailed honey guide, Zenker’s honeyguide. Do not miss out on the species seen along the Ikrumira trails like swamp palm bulbul, crested malimbe, ferry-breasted bush shrine, Red-billed, black dwarf, white crested, black casqued wattled and white-thighed hornbill. Dinner and overnight stay at Semliki Safari Lodge (High-end facility) or Ntoroko Game Lodge (Mid lodge facility) Meal plan (F/B)

Day 10: Queen Elizabeth National Park

Connect to Queen Elizabeth national park. The park was named after the Queen of England and happens to be one of the most visited national parks annually. As you head to Queen Elizabeth enjoy the scenic view of ranges of Mountain Rwenzori. Another beautiful park with a lot to offer such as game drives, chimp tracking and birding as well. There are over 296 bird species out 610 in total. Overnight stay at Mweya Safari Lodge/Mazike Lodge (Lodge facility) or Enganzi lodge (Mid range facility) or Simba Safari Camp (Budget facility) Meal plan (F/B)

Day 11 : Kazinga Channel

On Day 11 of the 18 Days Uganda Birding Safari,Begin with an early morning game drive to the Kasenyi plains where you will not only spot animals but also birds. You are likely to see more birds during the afternoon launch cruise on the Kazinga Channel. There are quite a variety of water birds like white-bellied cormorants, water thick-knee, green backed heron and yellow-billed stork. Overnight stay at Mweya Safari Lodge/Mazike Lodge (Lodge facility) or Enganzi lodge (Mid range facility) or Simba Safari Camp (Budget facility) Meal plan (F/B)

Day 12: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Though Bwindi is more popular for mountain gorillas, 350 bird species have been recorded with 23 Albertine Rift endemics, 14 rare species. Among these we have Grauer’s Warbler, Red-throated Alethe, dusky-blue flycatcher, Chanin’s flycatcher, chin-spot batis, Rwenzori batis black, Elliot’s woodpecker, mountain Illadopsis, red-tailed bulbul, blue-throated brown sunbird, blue headed-sunbird, northern double collared sunbird, grey-headed sunbird, McKinnon’s grey shrike, Luhder’s and Doherty’s bush-shrikes, black-billed weaver, dusky Crimson-wing, oriole finch, African wood-owl, bar-tailed trogon, red sheeted owlet, Tulberg’s African green broadbill, western green timber bird, Petit’s Cuckoo-shrike, grey cuckoo- shrink Neumann’s Warbler and red-faced woodland- warbler that will give a worthwhile birding safari day. Overnight and dinner at Mahogany Springs/Buhoma Lodge (Lodge facility) or Silverback Lodge/Engagi Gorilla Lodge (Mid Lodge facility) or Buhoma Community Bandas (budget facility) Meal plan (FB)

Day 13: Gorilla trekking safari tours Uganda

mountain gorillas. Watch out for their voices and listen to them grumble and the young as they swing from tree to tree, and marvel at the sheer size of the dominant male; the silverback. It is an extraordinary feeling sitting in the dense rainforest knowing you are with a few of the last remaining mountain gorillas.  If you have the energy this afternoon, take a guided walk on the species and an array of birds. Or take a guided community walk among the Batwa inhabitants of the park. Overnight and dinner at Mahogany Springs/Buhoma Lodge (Lodge facility) or Silverback Lodge/Engagi Gorilla Lodge (Mid Lodge facility) or Buhoma Community Bandas (budget facility) Meal plan (FB)

Day 14: Guided Nature Walk

Birders may take the Sabinyo gorge trail which ascends through the heath around Ntebeko, for example, the handsome francolin, regal sunbird, Rwenzori Turaco, Archer’s ground robin and strange weaver among others. Overnight and dinner at mahogany Springs/Buhoma Lodge (Lodge facility) or Silverback Lodge/Engagi Gorilla Lodge (Mid Lodge facility) or Buhoma Community Bandas (budget facility) Meal plan (FB)

Day 15: Ruhija

It is not only the highest gorilla tracking trailhead in Bwindi but also a strategic birding location. It is here where you will find the yellow-crested helmet-shrike, seldom seen species in Uganda. Other bird species include the African green broadbill, stripe breasted tit, African hill babbler and Caruthers Cisticola, including very difficult to see species Fraser eagle-owl and Rwenzori double- collared sunbird, we should also come across green broadbill, Grauer’s rush warbler, white-headed wood hoope, Waller’s and Stuhlmann’s starling, the four Crimson-wings and handsome francolin. Overnight and dinner at Ruhija Gorilla Lodge (Lodge facility) or Gorilla Mist Camp (Mid Lodge facility) or Trekkers Tavern Cottages (Budget facility) Meal plan (FB)

Day 16: Lake Mburo National Park

Though it is a small park, it has a lot to offer such an excellent game driving with the highest impala population. Lake Mburo has over 315 bird species and the best place to see acacia-associated birds such as Ruppell’s long-tailed starling, African finfoot, brown chested plover, southern ground hornbill and green-capped eremomela among others. Dinner and Overnight at Mihingo Safari Lodge (high end), Lake Mburo Safari Lodge (Mid lodge) or Eagles Nest Lake Mburo (Budget facility) Meal plan (FB)

Day 17: Mabira Forest

Transfer to Mabira Forest, another prime birding safari destination with over 300 forest species recorded. This is one of the left few surviving forests in Kampala, though part of it has been used for lumbering. Mabira harbors a number of bird species with well-maintained trails that make birding easy. Conspicuous larger birds like stunning great blue Turaco and African grey parrot. The rare pretty tit Hylia is present, only found in 2 places in East Africa. We are likely to see Nahan’s francolin, African pied hornbill and Forest wood-hoopoe, the blue-breasted, white-bellied, Dwarf and Shining-blue Kingfishers, Yellow-throated and Speckled Tinkerbirds live in the canopy and Toro olive greenbul and green-tailed bristle bill are secretive interior inhabitants. If there are safari ants on the march, Fire-crested Alethe, Forest Robin and Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat may be in attendance, yellow spotted and hairy breasted barbets are seen among others. The elusive purple throated, Jameson’s Wattle-eye, grey, and the yellow long bill will be among our target while birding here, African paradise and red-bellied paradise flycatchers, Tambourine dove, White-breasted and grey-headed Negrofinches. Return to Kampala Overnight stay at Sheraton Kampala hotel (high end), La Petit Village (mid-range facility) or Forest Cottages Kampala (Budget facility) Meal plan BB.

Day 18: Departure

After breakfast head to the airport for your home flight. This marks the end of the comprehensive Uganda birding safaris.


  1. Airport Transfer
  2. Ground Transportation by a 4×4 safari vehicle
  3. Park fees Chimpanzee tracking permit for Kibale
  4. Gorilla trekking permit
  5. Game drive
  6. Relevant Government Taxes
  7. Full Board Accommodation and en-route meals as indicated in the itinerary.
  8. Full-time English-speaking Driver/Guide
  9. 01 litre of COMPLEMENTARY mineral water per person per day
  10. Park Ranger Fees
  11. Boat ride along the Nile delta & in Queen Elizabeth
  12. Mabamba visit
  13. Birding excursions
  14. Batwa visit
  15. Guided Nature Walks


  1. Airfares
  2. Visa Fees
  3. Personal Insurance
  4. Expenses of personal nature such as; drinks, tips, laundry, telephone, cigarettes, accommodation & meals not indicated in the itinerary and optional activities.